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Innovative Technologie und BEOPAY SISTEM feiern in diesem Jahr ein Jahrzehnt der Partnerschaft. BEOPAY, ein hochspezialisiertes Unternehmen für automatisierte Zahlungssysteme mit Sitz in Serbien, ist seit 10 Jahren ITL-Handelspartner.  Marcus Tiedt, Vertriebsleiter von ITL, sagte: "Unsere Beziehung zu BEOPAY begann vor über einem Jahrzehnt, als sie mit der Implementierung und Reparatur unserer Validatoren begannen. Diese Zugehörigkeit wurde 2008 in eine offizielle Handelspartnerschaft umgewandelt und bietet nun den kompletten Service und Support für unsere Validatoren in Serbien, Bosnien und Herzegowina. Es war großartig zu sehen, wie sie ihren Service und Vertrieb im Laufe der Jahre entwickelt und vorangetrieben haben. ITL-Validatoren werden heute…
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Innovative Technology and BEOPAY SISTEM celebrate a decade of partnership this year. BEOPAY, a highly specialised company for automated payment systems based in Serbia, have been an ITL Trading Partner for a landmark 10 years.Marcus Tiedt, ITL Sales Director said, “Our relationship with BEOPAY began over a decade ago when they started to implement and repair our validators. This affiliation was formalised into an official Trading Partnership in 2008 and they now provide complete service and support of our validators within Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has been great to see how they have developed and progressed their service and…
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Innovative Technology Americas, Inc are pleased to announce their participation at G2E 2018 - the largest gathering of global gaming professionals in North America on 9th-11th October 2018 in Las Vegas. They will display their latest range of bill validators and cash handling solutions plus G2E visitors will be able to see spectral technology in action from a new dedicated booth #3635.   Rebecca White, VP of Sales & Business Development, commented, “We are excited to be showcasing our innovative product range at G2E at a time of rapid growth across Americas for us. We’ve expanded our US team and invested in…
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Innovative Technology Ltd. (ITL) are pleased to announce independent approval from the European Central Bank (ECB) for their note validator (NV) range. The ECB authenticate validators that successfully recognise the difference between genuine and counterfeit Euro banknotes. ITL’s NV9 USB+, NV10 USB+, NV200, NV200 Spectral and the new NV9 Spectral all received a 100% pass rate during testing last month at De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam.James Beswick, Lead Support Engineer commented on the results, “We are proud to have passed the ECB’s strict testing process again this year. The results independently acknowledge the reliability of our note validator range for their ability…
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Innovative Technology (Asia Pacific) Pty Ltd reported a successful show at the Australasian Gaming Expo (AGE) which took place last week in Sydney. The NV200 Spectral - the most technically advanced note validator in its class – impressed the AGE visitors with its enhanced security features including stained note detection and optical & mechanical anti-strimming technology.Commenting on the show, Kerry Cowan, Sales Director - Asia Pacific, said, “Four years after the formation of Innovative Technology Asia Pacific, business in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region is now significant so our presence at AGE is something of a landmark for us. It…
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